Chapter 2: Egg Retrieval- Round One

This was my Instagram post after our first attempt at IVF. Considering everyone told me “you’re young and healthy, you should have no problem getting lots of eggs,” this was a complete shock to us. I had only 3 eggs fertilize and none of them made it to full maturation. Meaning, all of the money and shots and flying was not worth it. At least from an IVF stand point. (I will post next about why it ended up being worth it for so many reasons I didn’t see at the time).

Here was my post after it all went down with a play by play of my schedule:

Back to reality. I said I’d share the personal journey Joe & I are going through. Good or bad, I will stick to my word. Today we found out we have to do the entire process again. 12 days of shots and $37k. This is why we are funding families on to do IVF & make HD free babies. It’s NOT easy, or cheap. But we believe it’s worth it. Here are moments from our journey:

1: (Jan 25) started shots in Atlanta. Had my new show “The Bounce” out of our Turner Atlanta studios.     

2. Flew to Ohio. Said goodbye to Lee since we are leaving for baseball season. She rubbed my belly for good luck️

Blood work, ultra sounds etc.

3: Flew to Atlanta for work.

4: Flew to Houston. New York Post is there & HDSA helping us capture this adventure!

5: Eggs are growing a little slow & retrieval now Sat or Sun, which means missing my show  I didn’t want to tell work. But was a huge blessing & they support me 100% & ended up being why I am sharing with you!

6: New York Post story printed!

7: Today Show saw the story & came to Houston 

8: Joe got to Ohio, packed house & dog & drove to FL for Spring Training like a CHAMPION HUSBAND.

9: Joe got to FL at 3:30 AM then flew 3 hrs later to make my retrieval.

10: Egg retrieval!! I had 6 retrieved. Wanted 8.

11: Told us 3 were mature & fertilized. Went to FL that night to move in officially.

12: Got a call saying eggs should be between 4-8 on day three and that mine were 12,10,3.

13. Lee choked & was rushed to the emergency room. They were able to save her life THANK GOD.  Flew to NBA All Star game.

14: None ready to freeze yet. Surprising because two got out so such great starts

15: Hosting All-Star Sat night. RIGHT before we went on air, told “No one ready to freeze yet.”

16.  home. Joe said not to worry…I do have peace knowing no matter what, God is using us for good. Without this process we wouldn’t have been able to bring light to HD. If we don’t make any embryos THIS TIME, it’s still worth it. But even with that peace, I am holding back tears. It’s not hard IF you produce an HD free baby. It’s hard, if you come up empty handed. God’s timing NEVER fails though. I have faith in that alone. Xo


Chapter 3: Growth and Maturation (Me, Not The Embryos!)


Chapter 1: Our Story Begins