Imagine a World Without HD
Your donation will help create a world that is HD-free one family at a time.
Ways to Donate:
Please make checks payable to Athletes and Causes Foundation - Memo: HelpCureHD
Athletes and Causes Foundation
4525 South Lois Avenue Tampa, FL 33611
To pay via Donor Advised Fund, please contact arian@helpcurehd.org for more information.
To make a donation with a card, PayPal, or apple pay please donate HERE.
Why Should You Support HCHD?
PGT-IVF is the only way parents who carry the HD gene can guarantee their biological child will be HD-free.
Although there is no cure for HD, this medical advancement prevents the HD gene from being passed on to children and all future generations, thereby eradicating the disease one family at a time.
No one should be denied an HD-free baby because of financial barriers.
Since the founding of HelpCureHD, we have covered the full cost of PGT-IVF for grantees that can cost $35,000 or more. We believe that financial barriers should not stop eligible couples from pursuing this family-building option.
We’re committed every step of the way.
Joe Smith and Allie LaForce personally understand the hardships HD can have on a family. HelpCureHD’s professional staff work closely with each PGT-IVF grantee couple to ensure their physical, mental, and financial needs are met.
Leverage Your Gift
You can double—or even triple! —your gift without paying a penny more. Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. These programs allow our donors to leverage their generosity to make a greater impact at HelpCureHD.
Please use the search tool to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift.
When submitting a matching gift through your company’s electronic portal or if your company still uses a paper form, you may need the following information:
Name: Athletes and Causes
HelpCureHD is a donor advised fund at Athletes and Causes.
EIN: 47-2377003
Mailing Address: 12551 Franklin Road, Thonotosassa, FL 33592
Phone Number: (516) 639-8748
Email: info@athletesandcauses.org
If you need assistance in completing or processing your Corporate Matching Gift, please do not hesitate to contact us at give@helpcurehd.org.
Become a Monthly Donor!
Become a Monthly Donor!
Your generous monthly contribution in support of HelpCureHD will bring financial and emotional support to families impacted by Huntington’s disease.