What is PGT-IVF?
Pre-implantation Genetic Testing (PGT) screens embryos for HD before they are implanted using in-vitro fertilization (IVF). This process allows couples to prevent their children from inheriting and passing on Huntington’s disease.
This process can wipe out the Huntington’s disease gene forever. This technique is the one area where scientific progress can make a real difference right now to the future of HD families.
PGT-IVF Grants
PGT-IVF is the only way for parents to ensure their biological child will be HD-free
In 2018, HelpCureHD began working on a PGT-IVF grant program. It is our mission that, with financial assistance, we can close the economic gap that stands between some couples and the fertility assistance required to conceive a child that is HD-Free.
At approximately $35,000, the high cost of PGT-IVF procedures causes many couples to be deprived of the chance of having a biological child of their own that they know will not inherit the Huntington’s disease gene. It is our hope to close that gap by awarding grants to U.S. couples who either have or are at risk of Huntington’s disease and need financial assistance.