Chapter 13: Baby Smith
“He said he thinks I'll make it to Tuesday and expects the baby before midnight!!”
Chapter 12: Gender Reveal
“I couldn’t wait until my 20-week ultrasound to know the gender…soooo…today is our gender reveal!”
Chapter 11: First Trimester
“I said a lot of prayers, took a lot of deep breaths and thanked God multiple times a day for the amazing human growing inside of me. Perspective is everything.”
Chapter 10: Pregnancy Test!
“My heart SUNK. I got hot, and my heart started beating. I guess those feelings were fear. I don’t feel scared, but I also know it will be a really long journey if I miscarry again. I really do trust God, though. His timing is perfect. I will never question that.”
Chapter 9:Embryo Transfer #2
“February 28th, a little HD-free embryo will be transferred. We are so excited. We are also nervous. She showed us pictures of the embryos. It is fun to see them. I still have the photo of our first embryo that did end up working out. There is so much work and money that goes into making just one of them. I treasure ALL of them and pray to God that this next try will be a success!”
Chapter 8:Egg Retrieval Round Three
“You have to do what is best for your physical and your mental health, and for me personally, it was easier to live normal. It freed my mind.”
Chapter 7: Miscarriage
“IVF and genetic testing are NOT perfect. But God’s timing is. We have a cloud of peace over us, knowing just that.”
Chapter 6: TWO HD FREE EMBRYOS!!!!
“The chances of making even just ONE healthy baby decrease by the day during this whole process. As long as you know your chances going into it, you can manage your expectations. Our first time, that was hard. Now, we are better at it.”
Chapter 5: Time and Faith
“I remember getting the news that none of the embryos made it to full maturation TEN MINUTES before I was supposed to welcome a packed arena and millions of viewers to our NBA All-Star Halftime Show presentation. Talk about mixed emotions.”
Chapter 4: Round Two- Here We Go!!
“So I called around to many fertility experts and finally heard an opinion that really went straight to my heart. “You aren’t the same person that you were a year ago. You don’t need all of these meds. You are normal. Everything is going to be just fine.”
Chapter 3: Growth and Maturation (Me, Not The Embryos!)
“I questioned EVERYTHING about myself. My schedule, my diet, my doctor, the embryo lab, the fact that I had a coffee here and there during stimulation….basically anything you can think of.”
Chapter 2: Egg Retrieval- Round One
“Considering everyone told me “you’re young and healthy, you should have no problem getting lots of eggs,” this was a complete shock to us.”
Chapter 1: Our Story Begins
“We stumbled on the biggest blessing of our lives. PGD-IVF. When we first found out we could have a baby “HD FREE,” it was 2015. We were blown away and decided this route was for us.”