Chapter 4: Round Two- Here We Go!!

Round 2… What a delayed process this was. I kept trying to get this on the calendar. The problem is, when the first round doesn’t go as planned, everyone (including myself) starts questioning everything. And on top of that you get 100,000,000 different opinions from everyone to go along with all of your own insecurities and insanity 🙂 Joy. Everyone does mean well, and lots of great advice usually filters itself through the blue of it all. I promise. My doctor suggested that I do a seriously invasive priming protocol. One month of testosterone cream followed by a human growth hormone priming and then the 12 days of shots using the max amounts of meds (Menapur and Gonal pen for me). First off, I don’t have two months to do this. I can barely squeeze it in for 12 days of shots, a surgery with Joe and my work schedule. Second of all, Joe plays baseball. He will test positive for performance enhancing substances if he gets anywhere near that cream. So no. The next answer I was given was don’t worry it comes in a shot format. Well yippy. Another 4 weeks of traveling through airports with needles and requesting mini fridges in hotel rooms.   

Turns out, I wasn’t the same person that went through egg retrieval the first time. My blood work showed that my FSH levels were MUCH higher (3-4 times higher) this time around just from being off birth control a year longer. And everything else check out as healthy. I was told that FSH was the number one indicator of follicle growth, so if that was high, there shouldn’t be a need for human growth hormone or testosterone. I was also told that testosterone is for women going into menopause who have HIGH FSH levels, not low. So I called around to many fertility experts and finally heard an opinion that really went straight to my heart. “You aren’t the same person that you were a year ago. You don’t need all of these meds. You are normal. Everything is going to be just fine.”

Omgosh those words sounded like they came straight from the heavens. 

I started my shots a few days later. Only 75IU of Menapur and Gonal.

Day three we increased the goal to 225IU for the remainder of stimulation as the eggs were growing so well. Every time I got to see my growth on the ultrasound machine, I breathed a sigh of relief. Although I wouldn’t let myself get my hopes up entirely, there was a ray of sunshine on those days that was so bright.  

The day I took my trigger shot I had 15 that were POTENTIALLY eligible!!!!! 15!!!!!!! LAST TIME I HAD 6!!!!

I didn’t change my diet, exercise or travel schedule or anything. I just let my body recover from birth control suppression. I wish I would have known that before round one. BUT, then again, my last blog went into the incredible lessons and blessings God gave Joe and I after the first round. Those, are invaluable. I wouldn’t change it for the world. I mean that. 

Fastforward to surgery day, I wake up to my doc telling me “We got 13.”

No words to describe that level of happiness…

The next day they informed me that 12 were mature and 8 fertilized with Joe’s sperm.

8 reasons for hope…and joy.

The next blog I will walk you through the next week of pure torture waiting for the updates on health, growth and maturation of the embryos!! (NO THEY AREN’T DONE AT THIS POINT YET!!!)


Chapter 5: Time and Faith


Chapter 3: Growth and Maturation (Me, Not The Embryos!)